Monday, January 9, 2012

What To Expect From A Career As A Model

By Martin Swan

Being beautiful is not the only requirement for a successful career as a model. The successful models have the right attitude, and they fufill their duties and obligations in a professional manner. Great interpersonal skills are necessary and others are treated with courtesy and respect.
The life of the model, is not always one of glamor, as it can take multiple twists and turns. There are several categories and types of models and each may have different requirements. As a model, you are also a salesperson, selling a product, and you need to analyze and determine your marketability as it applies to specific genres and products. The categories in which you work, may most likely depend on your physical attributes, and you may be required to do different types of modelling. The three most popular categories are runway modelling, editorial and catalogue modelling , athough there may be work available in other areas
Print modelling captures images for three different areas that include the editorial in fashion photography where the model is allowed freedom of expression and expression. Editorials tend to be the most sought after and prestigious desirable work. An appearance on the cover of a fashion magazine or in editorial layouts provide highly sought-after pictures that can be added to your portfolio to demonstrate your creativity, versatility and experience. It will also help in competing for higher paying jobs.
Commercial print refers to the use of models in print advertising for billboards, magazines, buses or newspapers. Print advertising can encompass either fashion or products which both have different requirements. Fashion advertising will feature a model in a fashion item, with details of the designer, the manufacturer, and the stores where the item can be purchased. Product advertising will feature a model with emphasis on a product, and not on a fashion item. Not restricted to the typical tall, thin, long-legged model, greater emphasis is placed on character models. An elderly man or couple may be used for denture cream or insurance, while a pregnant woman may be used to advertise bay products. Not necessarily glamorous, product advertising pays as well as other types and can lead to more exciting opportunities.
Catalogue prints appears in department store catalogs and may feature models wearing a particular garments. The main use of catalog photography is to sell merchandise. There is little creativity. Certain poses are repeated, as the models are required to wear clothing that may be adjusted to improve fit and hang properly while smiling directly into the camera. Catalog work can be quite lucrative as it gives the model to become exclusive.

About the Author:
Modeling as a career, can be lucrative, but hard work and some planning may be required.

Modeling-modelingWill help you develop the skills and tools needed for a successful carreer as a model.

Articles Source: What To Expect From A Career As A Model

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